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Remittance Options
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Below are 5 ways by which you can remit payments to Century Communities Corporation in order to fund your new unit or home. Please review them and click the option which is easiest for you. A popup window will appear that will show detailed instructions.


Post Dated Checks

- Very easy
- Available anywhere in the world
- US dollar checks take 30-45 days to clear. Therefore, monies paid will also take 30-45 days to be credited in your name.
- Only Peso or US dollar checks accepted.

Bank-to-Bank Wire Transfer

- Easy, Secure
- Valid in any country
- You have to go to your bank each month to give them instructions to remit to Century Communities Corporation
- Charges range from $10-$20 per remittance


- Easy, convenient, secure
- Cheaper than wire transfer
- Can be done from any point where there is an internet connection
- Only valid in the US

Equitable Bank's Express Padala Service

- Valid in more than 60 countries
- To see location of all Express Padala Centers click: here
- Allows you to open a local Philippine Peso account in your
name even though you are not in the Philippines
- Auto-debit arrangement makes crediting of payments more convenient and timely
- Slightly more complicated than other options
- Funding of amortizations should be strictly monitored and done regularly in order to match the schedule of payments.

Other Fund Courier Services

- Last resort
- Not guaranteed to arrive on time
- Payments sometimes gets lost